★Josei-muke, Mini Review

[Mobile] Quick look at… Idol Fantasy

Idol Fantasy–released on 18th July, 2018is Square Enix’s second female oriented mobile game. Their first female oriented mobile game, Kimi to Kiri no Labyrinth, was a hot mess upon release and stayed that way, full of bugs and zero content until it’s death almost a year later after it’s release in June 2018. Now Square Enix is back with a vengeance in this okay, probably decent, by-the-numbers boring idol game. There, that’s all you need to know about Idol Fantasy.

Just kidding (though this game is pretty boring), I’ll go a little bit more in-depth with this game to explain why I’m pretty disappointed with this game when Square Enix gave us this beautiful mess:

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★Josei-muke, Mini Review

[CD/Character Songs] A3! – Autumn Troupe Album: “First AUTUMN EP”

A3! released a line of four seasonal albums for each troupe (from Spring to Winter troupe), each album consisted of the troupe’s theme song, their first stage play song and solo character songs of the two main stars of the troupe. As a avid Autumn Troupe fan I’ve bought their album, hopefully this won’t be the last because I want to hear everyone’s solo songs especially Taichi’s who’s one of my favs lol.

Autumn Troupe’s album released just last month and if you haven’t listened to the audio sample of the album in above’s video, then listen to it now because those songs are lit as fuck 😆 Honestly I love their songs and fits well with the image of Autumn Troupe: just a bunch of delinquents (or ex-delinquents) that are hard as nails and are not to be messed with.

Anyway, I’ll do a little review for it to just share more of my opinions on what I love and find interesting about this album.

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★Otome, Reviews

[Drama CD] Oniichannel CD Collection Vol.1 ~Oniichan to Sugosu Dokidoki❤Valentine~

Its spring time somewhere in the other hemisphere of the world, love is in the air, y’all know what time it is…. Valentine’s Da–Oh wait I’m 3 months too late lmao. Either way it’d prolly would’ve been still winter during February so I’ve already ruined this intro terribly.

I’ve been meaning to do an “Otome Watch” post on Oniichannel ever since I started the Otome Watch post category, but after doing my first one on Toraware no Palm I found it really hard to keep updating it and keeping up with the news about it that I kinda forgot about it. But I’m still following Oniichannel even just a little bit. But for the sake of this post I’ll do a little introduction.

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[Mobile] Breakdown – A3! Act! Addict! Actors! (エースリー)


A3! is a mobile game about stage actors and their journey to become the best entertainers. Gameplay is a bit like Ensemble Stars! where it doesn’t take a lot of skill compared to mobile rhythm games, its more about collecting cards and strengthening your teams.

This will be a breakdown post on how gameplay works and hopefully can act a bit like a guide for those who need some tips on playing the game.

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★Josei-muke, Mini Review

[CD/Character Songs] A3! – Theme Song: MANKAI Kaika Sengen


A3! has just released its first single back in February 15, 2017. The CD contains the full theme song—which is played during the opening movie and the title screen—having both vocal version sung by the troupe leaders and instrumental, along with a 9 minute audio drama (troupe leaders only).
Continue reading “[CD/Character Songs] A3! – Theme Song: MANKAI Kaika Sengen”

★Josei-muke, Reviews

[Mobile] Review – A3! Act! Addict! Actors! (エースリー)

A3! is a new mobile game from Liber Entertainment, you may know some of their works such as the idol game, I Chu. A3! is about a bunch of aspiring actors trying to make it in the acting world by doing stage plays at Mankai Company, as the story advances you get to see them grow as actors and form bonds. You play as Izumi Tachibana, a young adult that was invited to Mankai Company in hopes it would give her answers on what happened to her father, but instead becomes the Director/Coach and saves the Mankai Company theater from being bulldozed.

Its kind of hard to look up info about A3! on the internet when A3 is pretty vague and broad in meaning (like A3 paper lol), so it’s best to search it up by using “エースリー”.

Continue reading “[Mobile] Review – A3! Act! Addict! Actors! (エースリー)”