★Josei-muke, Reviews

[Mobile] Review – Otome Yuusha (オトメ勇者)

Otome Yusha (オトメ勇者) released back in December 16, 2017 and because I was overseas when this happened I only started playing it around January this year. So after fiddling around with it for about a month I decided it was about time to review this mobile game.

I also wrote a previous post on Otome Yusha where I gathered information from the website before it was released and speculated what the gameplay would be like. I also translated character profiles so check it out here.

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★Josei-muke, Spotlight

[Mobile] Otome Watch – オトメ勇者 – Otome Yuusha

Otome Yuusha (オトメ勇者) is an upcoming iOS/Android game by level-5, who is known for such games as the Professor Layton series, Inuzuma Eleven games and Yo-Kai Watch series. This will be their first attempt at making a game that is female oriented and hopefully unlike Square Enix’s first time attempt at making a female oriented game *coughKimikiricoughreallybadgamecough* they will be successful with Otome Yuusha.

This is game will be a collaboration between level-5 and A-1 Pictures–who will provide animated sequences for the mobile game–as well as character design from Chinatsu Kurahana, who also did character design for the Uta no Prince-sama games and Togainu no Chi, with her latest work being the illustrator and character design for Otomate’s 7’scarlet.

As usual with most of my ‘otome watch’ posts, I’ll be doing a rundown on the game, characters, story and system before it releases with the information that has been released at the time of writing this post. If there’s anything big in terms of new information, I’ll try to add it to this post.

I’ll be getting most of my information and images from the website, I’ll reference other Japanese articles but I won’t post the images posted from those articles here.

Continue reading “[Mobile] Otome Watch – オトメ勇者 – Otome Yuusha”

★Josei-muke, Mini Review

[Mobile] Quick look at… Sengoku Night Blood

Sengoku Night Blood is an ambitious mobile game, that is collaborated between Otomate, Marvelous and KADOKAWA. The mobile game is the starting point for a multi-media franchise, or so Otomate prolly hopes for.

I’m a little late to the party on reviewing this, mainly because something happened last month I couldn’t get around doing it, but hopefully my input on this game is still welcomed (even though some people may have already forgotten about this game). I’ll be quick about this review while putting my two cents on what I think about this game.

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[Mobile] Breakdown – A3! Act! Addict! Actors! (エースリー)


A3! is a mobile game about stage actors and their journey to become the best entertainers. Gameplay is a bit like Ensemble Stars! where it doesn’t take a lot of skill compared to mobile rhythm games, its more about collecting cards and strengthening your teams.

This will be a breakdown post on how gameplay works and hopefully can act a bit like a guide for those who need some tips on playing the game.

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★Josei-muke, Reviews

[Mobile] Review – A3! Act! Addict! Actors! (エースリー)

A3! is a new mobile game from Liber Entertainment, you may know some of their works such as the idol game, I Chu. A3! is about a bunch of aspiring actors trying to make it in the acting world by doing stage plays at Mankai Company, as the story advances you get to see them grow as actors and form bonds. You play as Izumi Tachibana, a young adult that was invited to Mankai Company in hopes it would give her answers on what happened to her father, but instead becomes the Director/Coach and saves the Mankai Company theater from being bulldozed.

Its kind of hard to look up info about A3! on the internet when A3 is pretty vague and broad in meaning (like A3 paper lol), so it’s best to search it up by using “エースリー”.

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★Josei-muke, Mini Review

[Mobile] Quick Look at… IDOLiSH7 (Mini Review)

Idolish7 is a rhythm/idol simulator free-to-play app game produce by Bandai Namco Online (Bandai Namco’s app/free to play division), who also produced similar idol games such as iDOLM@STER and iDOLM@STER: SideM.

It released back in 2015 (20th August), I got into it in prolly October sometime and I’ve been meaning to write a ‘quick look at’ review last year but didn’t get around doing it because I had deleted it to make room for more music. But I’m back in because now I deleted all the songs I had on my iPod lol (tho I deleted my old accounted and restarted a new one).

In celebration of the release of ‘STORY 2’ and Re:vale, heres a mini review. I won’t be talking about Story 2 because I haven’t caught up yet but I’ll do a lil retrospective on how the game has improved/grown since my past play of it.

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★Otome, Spotlight

[Drama CD] Spotlight- Love Cuisine ~Monsters Recipe~

This will be my first spotlight. A spotlight is just a corner for me to showcase/talk about a drama cd or game that has piqued my interest. I’ll try my best, even tho I did make mistakes with the translations..

A delicious lifestyle with handsome monsters?!

You are a gourmet reporter who is also an unusual glutton that

only finds happiness from eating delicious food.

One day, you receive a request to help out rebuild a long-established restaurant.

And lo and behold, upon your visit, it turned out to be a “Monster’s Restuarant” full of handsome monsters!

Surrounded by unique and charming monsters, your delicious but a bit scary lifestyle begins now!

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