★General, ★Josei-muke, Reviews, Reviews

[PC] Review – Holostars EN Original Visual Novel “Doppelgänger”

Here it is, my once a year review of a visual novel and of course Holostars had to be the main driving force for me to write up this review 😳 The brainworms go deep.

Doppelgänger is an original visual novel created by the Holostars EN Team (basically the managers of the team got together to make this for the fans. Thank you mane-sans!) as a Halloween project for Holostars EN in 2023.

The visual novel itself is more on the darker side and is non-romance focused (debatable in some routes), so for the fam reading this at home, don’t label this as an otome game lol.

This will be as spoiler-free as possible, but if you want to read my overall thoughts you can skip to “Final Thoughts“.

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