
[Blog News] Ayyy ya boi Billy might be streaming (as a vtuber? jk…. unless….?)

Soooo remember for April Fools this year I “debuted” as a Vtuber (it was a joke video).

Well I finally managed to gather enough courage, resources and I guess time to make it a bit of a reality–in other words I would like to start streaming again (last time I streamed was 2018, but that was more like a joke stream too).

I’ll talk more about it under the ‘read more’ cut.

—Why vtubing/streaming?

Heh, let’s just say rent is due 😏 But all honestly, I want to be more confident in my voice and myself as well as interacting with others.

Plus! And that’s a big plus, I really want to stream otome/BL/josei-muke games and share it with everyone. I hope to use this opportunity to get better at communication and to also force myself to finish games on stream lmao.

I plan to play mostly Japanese games, hopefully I can make it into a Japanese language learning opportunity for both me and viewers as well. But I do want to play games in English too.

I’ve got a lot of games I want to play on stream such as:

  • Toraware no Palm series
  • Omega Vampire (BL & Switch version)
  • PSP games (Ren’ai Banchou games etc)
  • PS Vita games
  • Some demos (Homicipher etc)
  • Maybe some non-josei muke games
  • Fashion Dreamer (watch me be the no.1 Fashion Dreamer streamer 😉)
  • Maybe I’ll pick Anata Nikki back up heh 😉😉😉😉

Though this is more like a test-run, I’m not sure if I’m 100% full time streaming but we’ll see if I enjoy it… then again I have been having fun doing test-recordings when I was setting up my mic during these past few weeks.

It was mainly me just talking to myself which felt a bit therapeutic 😂

—So if you’re a Vtuber, what kind of Vtuber are you? What’s your lore?

very vtuber has a theme/persona to roleplay as to keep that semi-anonymity right? My vtubing persona is a baku, a dream/nightmare eater. I go by my usual name “Billy”, Bastard Billy. Why a baku? Because I like people’s dreams (as in their aspirations).

My lore is that I don’t have the budget nor the creativity for a model to proper reflect that I’m a baku lol. If you hear an echo in my audio that’s just me streaming from the dream dimension /jk

I will be using my Vtuber model which I created within a day? for this year’s April Fools video.

What platforms are you streaming on?

I was planning to mainly stream on youtube but then I realise you’ll need to reach 1k subs (mission impossible for me) and such to be monetised (I want 10cents for every youtube ad gotdam it /jk).

Mayhaps I’ll mainly stream on Twitch (I was planning to keep my Twitch account as my dumping ground for BL/Slightly NSFW games) because there’s better visibility there, and easier to become an Affiliate so I can get channel exclusive emotes but maybe I’ll sometimes stream on Youtube if I feel like it.

I don’t know much about how Twitch works, call me a boomer, but I’ll study up on it.

—How long do you plan to stream?

I might go for about 1~2 hour streams. As for when I’ll stream, I was thinking around morning to daytime my time–which might be afternoon/evening in America time.

Mostly on Weekdays though.

—When will you do your first stream (as a vtuber)?

Maybe tomorrow (my time) at 10am or 11am, might be late afternoon or after dinner for Americans lol. Either tomorrow (Friday my time, Thursday your time) or Monday (my time, might be Sunday in America time).

—What will you stream first?

If you haven’t noticed my featured pic for this post, it’s basically the game that lit a fire under my butt that made me want to do streaming.

My first stream will be What in HELL is bad?, we will see if I’m gonna get booted out from Twitch for this.

I’ll do my best to censor but I am going into this mobile game semi-blind (I played a good portion of the opening scene). And yes I will probably embarrass myself with this.

Please follow these accounts to get alerts when I’m streaming!

I made a new Yotuube and Twitter account just for my streams/vtuber shit. Twitch account is the same one I’ve had for several years now that has been collecting dust lol.

I kind of busted my voice/throat from doing mic tests these past two weeks so if my voice sounds crackly then that’s why lol.

Thanks for reading and I hope to see you in future streams (hopefully).

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